
12 of the Best Money Saving Tips for College Students

The average net worth of a 25-year-old in the United States is negative $24,000. This is because your net worth is not just what you have in the bank. It is also your student loan debt and the average American college student graduates with $30,000 in debt. Understanding and following some of the best money-saving tips…


35+ Budget-Friendly Meal Prep Ideas That Will Make Your Life Easier

One of the most effective ways to keep a tab on your food budget is to prepare your meals ahead of time. You will be able to eat healthier and have far more time to yourself every morning by doing some simple meal prep. As complicated and cumbersome as meal prep sounds, it is actually…

what to do when you credit card is declined?

3 Free Things to Do If Your Debit or Credit Card Is Declined

We all want our cards to work 100% of the time, and having your card declined can be a stressful or even embarrassing experience. Fortunately, it’s easier to remedy this situation than ever before, and you can usually figure out and address the problem quickly. This article will cover some of the first steps to…