saving money piggy bank

Top 10 Ways for Expats to Save Money While Living Abroad

Living the expat life is a fun but also daunting experience. In 2023, an estimated 9.5 million US citizens have chosen the expat life and planted roots in other countries. When you first arrive in a foreign country as an expat, navigating foreign expenses and assessing budgetary needs can be challenging. However, with the right…

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The 9 Best High-Risk Merchant Account Processors: Payment Processing Gateways

Being a high-risk merchant can mean delayed approval times, trouble securing a merchant account, and, in many cases, even rejection from payment processors. But it doesn’t have to. Enter high-risk merchant processors. A high-risk merchant processor works specifically with businesses considered “high risk,” so they understand your increased likelihood for chargebacks. As a result, they…

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20 Free Printable Budget Templates to Help You Better Your Finances

It’s no secret that managing your finances can be difficult. But it’s important to do everything you can to get them under control, especially if you’re hoping to improve your overall financial situation. In fact, according to a study by the National Foundation for Credit Counseling, 60% of Americans don’t have a budget at all! …

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How to Start a Credit Repair Business Online from Home

Do you want to start your own credit repair business? With the economy the way it is, more and more people are turning to credit counseling and credit repair services to help them get back on their feet. If you’re interested in starting your own business, this may be the perfect opportunity for you. And…

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4 Ways to Get a Free Carfax Report

A Carfax report is a detailed account of a vehicle’s history after its manufacture. It provides valuable information that guides buyers on vehicle purchases.  Buying a car is a pretty hefty investment. For first-time car owners, a new vehicle delivers an exciting feeling of possession and significant convenience. A free carfax report is crucial before…